Final Project: Alone Together

In collaboration with Emily Zhao & Sue Roh



Having all recently broken up with our long-term live-in partners, the three of us have found singledom to be extremely uncomfortable and sad. At one point or another, we have all resorted to serial dating, drugs, and copious amounts of masturbation. However, all of these coping mechanisms merely distract from the core problem: not knowing how to be alone. 

Who are we now without our partners? What do we do with our time? How do you fill the void? Is it happiness if it’s not shared?

We want to push ourselves to the most drastic form of loneliness we can imagine – eight hours in a room without any stimulation. We will allow ourselves three five-minute bathroom breaks. The entire experience will be individually recorded and broadcast on the web for people to see. 

Ideally, the three of us will be close in proximity and experience the solitude in the same time frame. No one is truly alone in their loneliness.  

Will we improve our ability to be alone after the experience? Can we endure eight solitary hours? What will we do to occupy the time? We only have questions. 

As much as we don’t want to do this, we hope we can glean something from the experience. We know the power of discomfort, and there’s so much to learn from risk and vulnerability.