Video Playback System

I began to work on my video playback system by further exploring the technique discussed in class where the frame is updated every 2 seconds, resulting in a delayed color trail. I wanted to see how my sample bank of nature videos would look with this effect.

The next step for me was to decide on a few songs that would complement this mood of rustling dead flora and sleepy koi. For now, I feel my nature videos can start a relationship with the song “Human Nature” by Sevdaliza.

Sevdaliza provides rich resonating vocals that exist in this ever-elongating space, as if you’re slowly twisting and sinking willingly into the ocean depths. The mood is somber and contemplative with cinematic instrumentals.

In what ways can I achieve such decadent expansion with Max?

I see this manifesting in slow cross fading videos, bits and pieces creeping into the frame. I implemented the jit.xfade object, and watched my on board GPU struggle to keep up with a steady frame rate.

Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 11.54.38 AM.png

I feel like the song excretes tears of gold, dripping abundantly on luscious leaves. I want to be able to zoom slowly in and out of videos in particular spots of the frame as if the viewer is grabbing the scenery in their own hands. I referenced this forum thread for help with zooming in and out with sound.

There are specific lyrics that pinch and screech in the second verse, and I imagine climaxes of white, but somehow with distinguishable elements.