Hue Light: Cassette Controller

I transformed an old cassette tape from a thrift store into a Hue Light controller. I embedded a rotary encoder and a push button through the cassette spools, and an OLED screen through which you would see the tape. I included a red LED at the bottom of the cassette to confirm the WiFi connection.


  • Hue Light system

  • Arduino NANO 33 IoT

  • Rotary encoder

  • Push button

  • OLED Screen

  • Cassette Tape from thrift store


My code can be found on my Github here.
I modified Tom’s “HueBlinkWithJsonEncoder.ino” file, which can be found here.

Because my controller has an OLED screen, I put together a unit test so that I could adjust the sizing and positioning of the text.
The screen will show when it is attempting to connect, when it finally makes the connection, what settings / values are being changed, when the request is sent, and the response code.
I made sure to modify the default “on” state to “true”, brightness to 255, hue to 0 (red), and saturation to 255.
I increased the stepping for the hue values so that picking another color would be quicker.
